Jacqueline Walbeck — Concord, Ohio

This person Jacqueline Walbeck had an affair with my husband. I guess they went to high school together and started talking on line. Well when he started showering and getting all fancy to go to his friend “Steve’s” house I knew something was going on. This went on for awhile then he had to go to Denver for work. Well I found her phone number all over the phone bill. He still denied everything. At the end of his trip he admitted it was a friend named Jackie from school. He swore it was just friends talking. I’m not stupid so I kept digging. I started calling and texting her. Well I guess she didn’t like that and said something to her. Supposedly he ended things. I found out she was in Denver with him and I don’t believe the affair is over because now he wanted a divorce because he dreaded coming home to me every day. I decided to go to Florida with my daughter. I think they are just waiting for me to leave. Oh by the way she is married. I just sent her husband a copy of the phone bill and told him to ask her how her trip to Denver was.

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