Jacob Hanson — Edmonton, Canada

Hi there de, This is Jacob Hanson he is from the Edmonton area. I heard this ugly piece of **** likes to beat his girlfriends and try to control them. He has forced girls to have *** with him and had cheated on all his partners. He is also a compulsive liar and says he will do this and that and never gets it done. He mooches for money from everyone for drugs and alcohol and says he’s getting food with it. But don’t worry he will never pay you back. This one girl I went to school with he dated and abused her so badly she has PTSD now. He lied to her saying they were going to get a house too and that was all bullsh1t after she moved all her stuff that day. He also likes to break people’s things including phones, guitars, and tablets. He is a very violent person that he has got a restraining order on him before. Ladies do not approach this man he is dangerous and he uses people. He will say he will get a job and a place to live but he’s currently abusing curb and hasn’t had a full-time steady job in years from what I am hearing. This guy would rather smoke weed and drink all day and be lazy instead of getting his life together. Also when he was in high school at Eastglen he pretended to have a British accent as he came from there and he was eventually caught faking it. He’s that crazy. Ladies just watch out unless you wanna be used by this tool and treated like dog ****. I’m just glad my friend got the *** out of there. This guy is as sleazy as they come. Would be surprised how many dads he has. He’s such a little loser *****.

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