Jackie E. Temple — Roanoke, Virginia

Jackie is a speech pathologist at a Veterans Care Center. She pursued and is having an affair with a maintenance man at the center named Alan Betteridge. Alan was a happily married, respectable man going through a hard time until Jackie got her hooks in him. She began telling him that his marriage was bad and encouraged him to leave his faithful, beautiful, self-sacrificing wife. She pursued him relentlessly at work and through texts. He got sucked in very quickly and once his wife found out, Jackie convinced him to leave his wife and move in with her. She is an active member of her church, Faith Fellowship in Wirtz, VA, and speaks fluent “Christinese” and deceit. She takes Alan to church with her every week and leads the worship team, but tells everyone that he is just a friend she is helping get through a tough divorce, not telling anyone that she actually is the cause of it and that he is living with her and sleeping with her. She wrecked a perfectly beautiful family and a good man and good woman’s life to fulfill her own neediness since her marriage failed and she was separated from her husband, under suspicious circumstances. She took advantage of a troubled man to satisfy her own desires, and blasphemes before *** every week by attending church with the man she is committing adultery with. Alan was a good man that she has plunged into a life of depravity and deceit, and she has coached him out of a blessed life and marriage, when his wife was willing to forgive him and take him back. This woman is an instrument of the devil but pretends to be a lamb of ***!

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