Isaiah Jackson — Springfield, Ohio

Isaiah Jackson of Springfield Ohio is the name of this misfit, pig f****r who abused this baby, in this photo. This racist, piece of s**t is a baby killer and an abuser. His mother must be proud of raising such a worthless, violent scumbag. His mother is more than likely an obese, nymphomaniac w***e with the neighborhood community p***y, who has had several kids to different baby daddies. Her wrinkly, stinky, old p***y must be filled with crabs and disease.

Isaiah Jackson was indeed raised in a fatherless home with a welfare w***e for a mother. Every violent, outlaw negro out there is raised by loudmouth, attention w***e single mothers, with no fathers. All these hoodrat single moms care about is d**k and attention. They do not know how to raise their children! This is why these kids from these half assed households grow up so ignorant and violent.

This subhuman parasite, Isaiah Jackson needs to be locked away or executed. Everyone with sense prefers the latter, but unfortunately, we live in a politically correct society where we no longer lynch these violent bucks. Do not get pregnant by this piece of s**t! If he abuses babies, he will attack yours too. Do not f**k this loser!

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