Irwin Benjamin — California

So I was on POF the dating site. This guy Irwin Benjamin hits me up, he asks to take me out, I oblige because his profile had my same interests, looking for something serious etc.
So we go on a date it’s amazing we vibe instantly, at the end of the night we kissed, he asked to see me again.
Long story short this fool led me to believe he wanted something serious, sending all kind of ridiculous love poems, which I thought was odd for having just met me, and he made me think I was being mean for doubting their sincerity. we went out a few more times, had *** it was great, then I guess after he got what he wanted he started standing me up, but what was annoying, he would talk to me all day, make plans with me say he’s on his way then conviently something would come up like “oh my *** father had a heat attack”, this happened two times, and he seriously made me think I was crazy for thinking he was lying!!! But the third and final time this sorry excuse for a man, made plans to come over the other day to chill, we talked he said he had to take his son to basketball practice then he’d be over, he texted me “I’m omw” and never showed! Who does that!

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