Irina Marchenkova — Toronto, Canada

Irina Marchenkova opened a shop in Victoria BC using it as a front for her FLOOZY service “Chic Fashion.” She used the money her former husband left her to run this business on her own without any staff. Over 3 years she ran it straight into the ground when the store itself wasn’t profitable, while her floozy service was booming. The store ended up closing when people began to catch on. She spent outrageous amounts of money hiring soap sculptors to sculpt in the shop (as a cover up). She also hires temporary staff as an allusion and wouldn’t pay them until they threatened action, where she had to open the till and pay straight out (since she never sent any of their tax forms off!) In the end she ran away to Toronto and opened a new Chic Soap shop there. It’s going under as well since everything in store is going for 75 percent off, so I can assure you by New Year’s it’ll fade away like her looks! Update: she reopened her shop in Toronto and is back to business entertaining the certain tastes of gentlemen!

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