Instacart — No delivery

Delivery was scheduled for 07032022 between 5-7 pm. Then then changed it to 8:00 PM, then they changed to 8:30 PM, then changed again to 9:30 PM. I had called multiple times regarding the changes and kept getting someone in South Africa who assured me it WOULD be delivered on 0703. By 10:30 I called again and someone from the Philippines answered and said we could not tell you when it would be delivered. Unreal. By 11 PM, I told them to reschedule it. They said it was rescheduled for 8-11 AM on 07042022. They then changed to 12:30, then 12:45, then 1:15, then 1:30 and then 1:45. Called again and all I get is sorry, sorry sorry. This is for a lady who tried to do her shopping on Tuesday before the snow storm hit and collapsed in Albertsons had to be taken out of the store by ambulance. I explained this multiple times and all I kept getting was sorry, sorry, sorry. Now it is scheduled for 3:15 PM and a driver STILL has not accepted it. This is the most haphazard company I have dealt with in a while! I normally order from Albertson’s direct, but they had no delivery for 0703, 0704 and they use their own delivery people.

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