My complaint concerns the BAD Instacart reviews I just read, and there are so many of them! I have only ordered a few times using Instacart and haven’t had a problem … so far. However, the reviews frightens me because should I have a problem I expect Instacart to man-up and do the RIGHT thing by me. I want to be able to rely on Instacart like I do Amazon. Amazon never gives me a problem when things go wrong. Amazon CORRECTs the problem IMMEDIATELY. Only problem that I have had with Instacart is when they substitute and item that I have emphazied that I do NOT want a replacement. I ALWAYS want the EXACT item that I ordered. No one else can choose for me. I am VERY picky and that is my right because I am paying the high fees to get my items delivered. Being 90 years old, I need the service even when there is no pandemic … therefore I need Instacart to be totally fair with me. I am going to make an order in a few minutes and all that I ask is that you be fair and patient with me. If ever I have a complaint, I want it resolved without problems. If there is a problem that IS my fault, I won’t even report it. I will suck it up. However, when it is the shoppers fault, Instacart should man-up and do the right thing without a hassle.

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