IAN MINTON — Chicago, Illinois

I A N M I N T O N If you happen to know of this vile human being let me guess of what you may look or be like. You are attractive, blond, over 40 and very successful. He preys on powerful, self made women that can finance his lifestyle so that he can attach himself to. ~He is a despicable pig with the utmost worse personal hygiene. He latches on to his victims almost immediately, telling them what he thinks they might want to hear, while still married and living at home with his wife in Hinsdale. His wife went through cancer treatments while he went around town telling women who would listen that him and his wife haven’t slept together in years. LIES! Poor woman was undergoing chemo while he couldn’t be bothered with it all. ~ He is in tremendous debt and goes from job to job. He abuses his girlfriends and threatens to expose intimate things about them as he prefers them married and in need of attention. He is vapid, emotionally bankrupt, an empty shell and an all around nasty excuse of a man. He has no friends but instead prefers the company of well to do, hand picked female friends. He’s a freeloader and roams in circles rich with such type of ladies. He is from Indiana, of nice physic and stands at 6’4″. If you see this man, or hear of this man’s name being spoken by a friend, you have been warned. Add your own stories to this. Will try and add a picture soon. IAN MINTON. Who in Chicago has not already slept with this PIG. A user. A liar. An opportunist that is financially broke and is looking for other peoples money to bail him and his two young boys out of poverty. Stay away. Share his name. Run him out of town.

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