Hulu — Refusal to refund for months without service

I purchase Hulu via Apple App Store for use on my Apple TV. I used Hulu on my phone, iPad and tv without incident for years. Then, in October, it asks me for my login information. It didn’t work. I tried changing my password. It didn’t work. After research I find it is now under the umbrella of Disney and I should use that password. It didn’t work. I tried changing my Disney password, it still didn’t work (Disney worked fine, FYI). I emailed the company in November after many failed attempts to sign on. I continue to be charged for Hulu at rate of $7.99month. I forget about it for awhile. In March, I try again. This time I find a telephone number for Hulu in attempts to speak to a person. After having trouble finding my account, they tell me I’ve got to change my email address to a different account and create a new password in order to sign on. Weird, but I do. Then I ask for the obvious: please reimburse me for the months I couldn’t use the platform. They told me they can’t do that because I pay through Apple and my info is encrypted. I tell them I am quite willing to accept a cash paymentcheckVenmo transfer or give them CC information to receive my reimbursement. They claim that it is impossible and I must go through Apple. Apple has a cancellation and refund option, but no way to explainrequest a specific period of reimbursement for a particular reason. I explain this to Hulu and the viscous circle starts again. They refuse to reimburse in any manner, keeping 5 12 months of undue payments. They are hiding behind a “3rd party” screen, knowing that they will keep all money. It is a shady practice, and one I am sure many have fallen victim to..They should either refund or prorate my $7.99month for 5 12 months themselves or facilitate the transaction with their Apple partner

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