HomeTowne Studios — Compensation and a Free week

On Tuesday night about 9:26pm the front desk attendant called my room phone threatening me and my family to put us out last when my wife went go pick up the money remaining balance so I had to go borrow money to pay the remaining balance and my wife arrived back instead of her telling her I have already paid the balance she still took the five dollars from her and the management so I feel like we should be compensated for the actions of that employee and when my wife went the office four times they give her the five dollars back when they she lied to them about the situation and also we been asking for a refrigerator that works and since everything that took place last night they bring us a dirty refrigerator and we only got that because it was linking down in the room down stairs and one more thing you guys need find out why everyone out here pays a different price and late fee and they should not be aloud to just walk in the tenets rooms and it’s not the management they use time to come up with the payment it’s the regular employee and have to go to but if get put out we have no where to go and that’s really stressing me out.we also have to pay tissue paper and pots and pans that should come with renting the room and we been asking for double bed they tell us there’s nothing but the rooms with one bed available. Compensation my family and I with free week for the action of the employee and for the food we had to throw out and compensation us the money we had to borrow and pay double and for funds we for our house now we are able to pay our deposit.

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