Holly Lennarson — Scottsdale, Arizona

Ok, so this girl already has a rep in Scottsdale. First, she was a bottle girl. Well known for blowing any guy that would buy her a cheeseburger at 3 am. She then started to sleep around a-lottttt with anyone who would buy a bottle. Many of the guys I knew who had banged her talked about the stank she had. Story continues…. stillllllll the odor is sooooo bad. She dated some doctor guy for his money for a while. She was kicked to the curb for dating his best friend behind his back (some man-titty guy named Louis Hernandez- relator). She continues to send sloppy v@gina pics to some of my guy friends that look like a lady who just gave birth. The stench has worsened, she is desperate for money and is willing to screw/screw over anyone she can. This girl is such a *****. Such a liar. Has no friends now. Just watch out guys….. you are next for her lol. Get a STD check- her last one came in ++++++++++++++. oh funny – she is now trying to become a realtor. De I wonder how much more **** she will have to suck top get her first sell….. lolololol?

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