Hewette Wong — Canada

She is the most manipulative person you’ll ever come across. She cheated on his bf with multiple guys and denies it when there are visual evidence and witnesses from parties and screenshots. All she cares about is making herself feel happy first before others. On valentines day his boyfriend (now broken up) spent the day in a hospital because of her. There have been more than 10-15 witnesses of her cheating and or hooking up with other guys/girls while acting like she is single. She uses different guys for different reasons, acts all innocent but in reality, she has a lot to hide. To this day the guy that dated her only knows 1/4 of whatever she did behind his back, she really messed up his mental health and then lies her way out of things when he confronts her. Keep in mind she is 17 at the time of this, back when she 16 she posted a picture of her and a 15-year-old making out and wrote “you’re the best kisser ever, i love you so much” which was then taken down. Prior to that post was a post of her in Montreal which her man paid for that stated “trip to Montreal and I paid $0” with a munch of laughing emojis. This just shows that she’s a piece of s**t that just uses people, and from what I heard from people she wants to act like she’s top s**t and thinks she’s better than everyone when in reality no rich guy with a brain would date a broke b***h. If you ever see her, don’t waste your time just move on you’re only going to get yourself hurt like the last guy that dated her.

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