Henry Watkins Henderson — Kentucky

This post is for all the ladies who may be in a relationship with this entity or starting a relationship with this entity. I use the word entity because his real self is not human-like. If you like being used, lied to, cheated on and if you like to feel constant anxiety and uncertainty in a relationship then this is the guy for you!!! I do realize that if you are just getting to know him you will think he is Mr. Wonderful….but that will change. You are experiencing a FAKE entity. When he feels he has you hooked, then he will change…quickly…and not for the better! He has no ability to have a mature relationship or bond to another human in a healthy way and he has no empathy. Not for anyone. If you say anything that he perceives to be an insult or demeaning you will see him rage. He is a full blown narcissist. He would much rather have *** with himself than with you. *** with you is not about you – it’s all about him. That is if he is able to perform at all! Ask him about his **** addiction. You are really nothing more to him than an inflatable doll. He is set in his ways , very cold after his mask slips and please pay attention here …HE DOES NOT NOR WILL HE EVER CARE ABOUT YOU. He is using you for Narcissistic Supply. You are nothing more than a cardboard cutout to him. You are only around to stroke his ego and listen to him ramble on about all the great things he has done and how very smart he is. He may tell you he does care, but he is trolling eharmony every day and has several women on the string at all times because he will get bored with you quickly and needs a never-ending fresh supply to feed his fragile and childish ego. Please, please don’t let him do this to you. Just know that you deserve better than this very disordered slime ball. This entity is seriously weird and he cannot be fixed. Watch for weird facial expressions, emotional abuse and sudden anger out of nowhere because if you choose to stick around that is only a part of what you are in for. He has the emotional maturity of a three year old. Muster your self respect and get away from him before you need therapy. Because if you choose to stay around and put up with his lies and his cheating and emotional abuse you WILL need counseling even though he is the one who desperately needs it. Please listen to all the alarm bells going off and read everything you can about Narcissism. Try to verify his lies. He will have a lot of excuses for not seeing you some weekends & they are all LIES!!! He has many women he is trying to juggle. Many of them are out of his area. Watch what he does & not what he says & you will see the two don’t match up. If this helps save even one woman’s sanity then it was worth it. Run. No one deserves to be abused like this & he is most definitely an emotional abuser. There is so much better waiting for you out there.

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