Helen Harrington – Chicago, Illinois

If anyone is approached by this violent drunk sociopath *****. STAY AWAY. She came to my stripclub lying that she has worked as a dancer in Houston and LA and tried being friends with all the dancers. A lot of the girls fell for it and started working for her spa in downtown Chicago and then she threatened them that they had to stay in Vegas and work for her yakuza grandfather for 20% commission or she would put their information out in the public. This girl lies and makes everyone try to feel bad for her. She says she doesn’t know her parents etc. but when she got drunk she started crying saying her mom got pimped out to her dad by her yakuza grandfather. She’s a violent drunk and one time threw a gallon of Tito’s at one of the girls heads for short changing her on accident and smashed her head on the corner of the kitchen counter. All she posts in her Snapchat is her doing violent hobbies all day like tae kwon do, shooting guns and boxing as “therapy”. WTF. She travels around Houston, LA, Moscow & Chicago looking for girls to pimp out to her grandfather for profit. ITS SICK. She thinks she’s a socialite because her dad owns an oil and gas company but he cut her off because she dated one of her dads business partners that was the SAME AGE AS HIM. If not older! She said she doesn’t go out that much to be recognized which I thought was sketch AF. She’s a total *****/gold digger and **** any rich smelly Arab guy she meets. Disgusting.

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