Helaine Beachamp — Montreal, Canada

This little ***** uses guys for money and gives them a sob story to get money she will use any means necessary to *** you over. she is a great manipulative actress and will use any excuse to try to get money . I started dating her and then found out she was a floozy when I confronted her she said it was in her past I tried to look past that. I did help her out because she said her dad was dying which was a complete lie.. Do Not lend her any money she won’t oay it back. Also when I slowly stopped giving her cash she stated, “ fine back to selling my *****.” After I worked my *** off to help this ***** BEWARE .. I thought she was a good person but she is just a lying diesed little sloot also if you **** her dirty asswear a … De Also if anyone has information that may help me find and confront this trashy ***** please leave a comment and we will got from there..

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