Heidi Rebecca Smith – Connecticut

This nasty little ***** will approach men at work. When told that they’re in a relationship she will tell you that she had no idea and it’s over. She will explain that it’s been done to her and she would NEVER do that to anyone. The second she gets she’s taking him for another ride. In corporate paid hotels, she will meet up with her conquests like Scott Sortino, Vegas trips partially paid for by Cigna. Cigna cell phones ans while this honey claims to be working, OH YES, she’s working it on her cell phone sending her slutty texts non stop during working hours. She cares about nothing but herself and changing her name to get away from cheater profiles. Heidi Sheldon Smith, Heidi Smith, and Heidi Rebecca Smith on her latest Facebook page. This individual has absolutely no morals. Feel for her son that will one day find out, momma is a *****!!

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