Heather Sanzon — Las Vegas, Nevada

So I met Heather when she was working at Panevino Italian Grille. We were friends for months when she finally informed me that her boyfriend Kyle had to sneak her in and out of his house because his parents didn’t “approve’ of her. So I told her she could stay at my place with my husband and I on the nights she felt particularly uncomfortable. Well after about two weeks of letting her stay I came home from work early to find her in bed with my husband and my 2 year old daughter wandering around the room, probably witnessing the whole thing. I was outraged and wanted to hurt her but instead just told them both to get out. I couldn’t belive how naive and stupid I was to let someone nasty like that into my home. If they can’t even stay at their boyfriends mothers house there had to be a reason. But at the same time I blame them both. How dare she come into my home and have *** with my husband tight in front of our daughter. And how could he do this to me. I loved him and our family now I have to let it all go because of this. I don’t know who to blame mostly but they were both at fault in my opinion liberal, and I’m just so hurt. I hope karma bites them both in the ***.

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