Heather M. Rockwood — Illinois

She goes by several last names (Bryson, burling, Dubois) she goes from town to town (Dixon, IL Sterling, IL Rockford, IL Chicago, IL and Amboy, IL ) looking to cheat. She also goes from these states Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Florida, and Missouri. She is very flirty that after seeing other guys be treated same way it makes her look like a ****. She is a manipulative, narsisstic, untrustworthy, cheater. She can’t commit, respect herself nor *** nor any husband. She was caught in bed with another man. She blabs her *** life with hubby like 50 shades gray but it just her delusional mind as shes a cheater. She always remarries as she don’t know how to hold a marriage together. Once she done using a man for material, professional and job gain she’s onto the next. She needs constant attention because she stricken with self esteem issues. Men end up realizing this flirty bird ain’t worth their time. Her behavior&personality make them turn and run. Haa. Good quality men don’t want a woman that everyone has had. Even the loser guys find it’s not fun knowing all his friends had her first. No matter how well she carries herself it shows she doesn’t value herself. Haa I heard all the time how she’s psycho and how her ***** so loose guys have lost erections. She has the chest of a little girl very small *******. She don’t even have perky little *******, they are majorly saggy. She prides herself on her body but darling your looking OLD. She has nothing to offer a real man except heart break, financial losses, STDS and waste his time. She use to bar tend where my buddies use to drink and would offer them a bj as she loves **** in her mouth. Poor darling, can’t even whip up a good dinner. She doesn’t make any food from scratch. She uses frozen dinners and adds a bit to it thinking she can cook. Haa. She verbally abused a past domestic violence victim telling the chic she should “hang herself” that’s not very nice Heather! As few years later she became employed as a dv councilor. Since her departure from that I’m sure she just leech onto another guy. She can’t commit to a job or a marriage like I said. As a friend, she talks disrespectful about a significant other and likes to homewreck women and men’s families. She gets ****** off when she actually turned down and starts harrassing a guy’s family on social media. She eats so much raw fish her ***** smells and guys have been known to jump out the window after being in bed with her. She puts pounds of foundation make up on and one day I saw the hideous creature under the mask quickly making up an excuse to leave. She has a ton of under eye circles, forehead wrinkles, even a few mustache hairs by her lip. She has had some herpes on her lip takes meds. She an old washed up has been with male friends who all talk about her riding everyone. Great friends Heather haa. She doesn’t care about anyone’s family she will destroy it. She sought out a job to work with the state to help remove a woman’s rights to go after a guy that turned her down. She said to one women,” we are her enemies because we are in her way to destroy our relationship.” Love to see her country *** fall right on her face in the mud. Eat the **** you talk *****. Don’t fall for her flirty comments she says she doesn’t even mean what she says. She thinks she s guys gift when even this gift unwrapped is scary. She was was furious I beat her in competition for a person in past. So ever since she been social media stalking his family and ends up at some of the same bars to try to **** a family member for revenge. She just can’t accept she was beaten and a nobody but a hoe. I’m a numba one stunna, with a hour glass figure, make more in an hour than she has in her whole life. I have a higher IQ, freak in the bed and chef in the kitchen. Iam a better mate that’s faithful, trustworthy and sexy as ****. I’m confident, high class with banging style, a coach when my partner off their game, luscious thighs, candy eyes,and tempting lips, seeks respect not attention and let her do all the competing and won being my self. Ha ha

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