Heather Iarson — Penticton, Canada

Where to start with this one.. nasty. Heather goes around giving people STDs not bothering to get checked herself in between *** partners. She went 4 months without a check-up giving multiple men the STD! Finally, someone confronted her so she went and got tested, this girl is so slimy she will go on dates and try and *** your boyfriend behind your back, if she’s on his friends list better watch out ladies, this girl will try and ****** your man then leave him with multiple STDs. De she’s very manipulative and will lie through her teeth till she believes her own bullsh1t, her ***** is loose as *** and **** gotta be starting to stink by now! She’s also has a Pepsi problem and she just can’t help herself but be a ***** for whoever has it, Watch out for this one Penticton!

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