Just like her mother she learned at a young age that regardless if you’re married sleeping with whom ever whenever you want is A okay. Well, truth be told it isn’t. She was married to an amazing man and had a son with him. He gave her everything she wanted and more but alas it wasn’t enough for this selfish **** hungry cow, she needed MORE MORE MORE! So she started sleeping around with a much older and married man. Her husband caught her, forgave her ignorantly and yet again, you guess it, she cheated again. But the story only gets better. She cheated with a laundry mat minimum wage ex meth head. Her husband yet again caught her and they divorced. Not only did they separate but she tried to have her cake and eat it to by trying to be with said ex husband and the laundromat meth head. Constantly texting the ex she missed him and his much bigger p3nis (needle **** as she put it wasn’t cutting it
♀️). Countless texts and many ignored responses later she moved on. To yet again another guy who is in a relationship and a young/dumb college kid. Meanwhile through all of that she married the meth head and will occasionally try for attention with the ex husband even though he’s happily engaged. Just like her mother the habitual liar, thief and cheater, she will Follow suit no matter what. Love is lost on this girl and she will always be wrecking the next home she can find.