Heather Bisbey Hedden — Manhattan, New York

THIS halfwit loves anything that moves. She’s a huge lush, can’t stop drinking. Has been in jail for drinking while her daughter was in the car and caused an accident. She is always drunk and if your man is around her she will be all over him. This ***** started feeling on my husbands **** while we were at a party, while I was at computer and they were standing behind me. Another instance she emailed my husband asking if she could get some. Then sent pictures. She is a horrible human being. 3 kids and they’re all in foster care because of her lush ***. She’s a manipulator and liar. And desperate. She plays dumb real well but she is a calculated *****. She’s also married to a younger guy but she’s been ******** around in him from the get go.. old excuse of a lush, I don’t remember! Lol this skeez is pathetic.

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