Hayley Nolan — Ontario, Canada

Two years. I’ve searched many times to find just one picture of her. I even called out the wrong woman once. It has been two years since finding out that this woman had been ******** around with my husband at their work, while I was home caring for our then newborn, 14 month old and two older children. They were staying late together, texting, f*cking? I’ll never get the full truth. But I’ll never forget coming home after getting my hair done, feeling pretty for the first time in a while. My husband asked me to pass something to him, I reached over his phone and it lit up “we need to stop this, when I’m back on Thursday”. I asked him who it was, “just someone from work.”, so I text her back, as him; “call me”. She says “Like really call you?”, I said “yes”. And she did. And I said “hiiii!” And she said “hiiii”, and I said “Hayley Nolan?” And she cheerfully says “yesss?” And I said “what the f*ck needs to stop on Thursday?!”… and silence. She would not answer me about how far they’d taken it, if they had f*cked. She hung up. But she continued to email and text my husband. She has apparently been doing this with a lot of the men she works with. Her eye is on one of the young married owners. She has a long time boyfriend, who is unaware of any of her disgusting ****. I saw what she looked like for the first time tonight. Her beauty melted into evil & ugliness. I hope people in her life find out what a low life she is. Particularly her poor boyfriend.

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