Harry Singh — Vernon, Canada

Harry is a compulsive liar, narcissistic, abusive and a straight up con artist. De he married his ex wife to stay in the country yet told her the whole time he was born here. Then after 3 year S (the legal amount of time you have to Be married for sponsorship) he was caught cheating. And turned out it had been happening through out the whole marriage and he had gone on her fb and blocked many many women she didn’t even know who they were. So when she caught him cheating. He swore it was a one time thing, which was a huge lie, but he begged for forgiveness. And she forgave him. Then within 2 months he was doing it again. Sneaking around, secret accounts, lying. And she called him out On it. So he punched her in the face. Knocked her out and gave her a bleeding nose. She ended up having a concussion and having to take 2 months off work. After that he beat her up 2 more times. Once putting her in the hospital. Then he moved out. But continued to force her to have *** with him. Until she found out that he had had a new gf for like 8 months. She threatened to tell her what was going on. So he threatened her life. She’s now scared of everything and suffers from PTSD. She worries about his new gf. But she’s tooo scared to tell her that her bf is a sociopath. Someone should really tell her.

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