Harriett Corine Southerland — Durham, North Carolina

Harriett Corine Southerland of Durham, NC is a homewrecker. She had a clandestine affair with a married man for nearly 4 years. She met this man in 2012; knew he was a married man in a marriage of nearly 40 years; but obviously had no respect for the holy matrimony of marriage. They first met via email and phone; then met in person, hugged, caressed and kissed on the lips; and continued to disrespect the marriage even more. Their selfish devotion to each other was more important to them than the consequences of the stress, pain, sorrow and illness that the wife would experience. She told the husband she was there for him. Of course, he was a dumb *** and a fool to abandon his wife and wedding vows; sacrifice his marriage and family, and fall for this treacherous and selfish piece of trash. While the wife was busy working, taking care of her bedridden grandmother and trying to maintain her marriage, this piece of trash was talking to the married man on the phone nearly every day, several times throughout the day stroking each other, making each other feel good and making plans to be together. Conversations never took place while the wife was present; however, the phone calls were often more than 150 in a 30-day period, and often more than 1500 minutes each month. She talked on the phone to the married man even on the married couples wedding anniversary, all special holidays, and even when the husband and wife were on vacation together. The married couple lives in a different state; but the husband has visited this homewrecker several times. The piece of trash made hotel reservations for several days so that he could visit her. They have also taken trips together. They both were retired, and apparently had lots of idle time on their hands. An idle mind is the devil’s playground. This homewrecker took many precious hours of the couple’s marriage, and caused their marriage to suffer and consequently, they are on the verge of divorce. The wife was noticing the husband was gradually become less attentive to her, and often questioned the husband about his behavior. He later acknowledged that his secret love affair with Harriett Corine Southerland was the reason for his lack of attention and affection for her. Don’t allow this homewrecker to fool you to believe that she is a good and moral woman. She is deceitful and selfish. Respectful and decent women don’t constantly talk on the phone with married men and tell them things that makes them feel good, talk about *** and possibly have phone ***, swaddle them with hugs, kisses and affection; and shake and rub their *** and **** in a married man’s face, brag about how good they are in bed, and how much they like all kinds of ***, usually after drinking too much wine until he falls for her. She even had the audacity to tell the husband the wife was lucky to have him. To add to this nightmare, they are distant cousins. This marriage destroyer has been married and divorced at least 3 times. Perhaps she is so heartless and envious, and want other women to experience a broken marriage just because she hasn’t been successful with married life; and/or maybe she has some type of mental or emotional problem and has difficulty saying “no” to men, and prefers to go from one man to the other for excitement and thrills; and whatever benefits she can get out of it. Who knows how many men she has gone through, and what kinds of sexually transmitted diseases she has, and contracted to others. Most *****, whores and whoremongers don’t care. This homewrecker has adult children. I suspect she has set bad examples for her daughter; as it seems the daughter has a less than desirable past as well; and has also called the married man at the home he and his wife shares. The daughter tried to encourage the husband to come visit them, even after the wife had asked the piece of trash to stop the affair; and complained to the husband about the wife’s request. This homewrecker has a handicapped son; but I guess her son was interfering with her lifestyle, so she placed him in some type of facility away from her home. Poor fellow. If you are a man (or woman, or whom/whatever) who enjoys an immoral and unscrupulous type of lifestyle, then you might want to give Harriett Corine Southerland of Durham, NC a try. However, if you value your marriage or relationship, I suggest you be aware of Harriett Corine Southerland; don’t trust her to befriend you or your significant other; and don’t be surprised at what she will resort to with the goal of getting the attention of a man. She has shown that she will have affairs with married men. I advise her sister not to trust her with her husband either. I’m informed this homewrecker use to be obese, but has recently lost a lot of weight. I expect her now, to be even more eager to trot and prowl, seduce and blissfully engage in an endemic whorish, slutty and treacherous lifestyle.

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