Haley Gousman — Alberta, Canada

This girl is a con watch out!!! She has conned her own parents and got credit cards in their name and ran it up to over $500000 so sad. She has tried and never succeeded to break up my marriage she has a felony for writing a fake prescription to CVS to get opioids/ hydrocodones charges were filed in 2011 and found guilty in 2012 offense code being HSC 481.129(D-1)(1) she is a felon and works for a [REDACTED]. with customers, personal information and is notary be worrying about any information you give her because she is a con artist and has made up fake emails pretending to be another woman and has confessed to doing so! She has assessed me and my family for 10 years and still tries to has come to my house has even so desperately written a letter to my house….continues to write emails to me and I even had to get a PO box so she wouldn’t drive by my house to know where I live this girl is so desperate it’s pathetic. De she is the most desperate sad disgrace to women I have ever heard of. I feel bad for her honestly. She needs to get a life and stop worrying about mine and my marriage!

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