Haley Dempsey — Halifax, Canada

Ladies beware of this ugly *** ***** and hold on to your man. This dirty hoe doesn’t care who she sleeps with. She will sleep with your boyfriend, fiance, husband and even your grandfather. She doesn’t care if your married or if you have kids. She could care less about breaking families up. I heard she has broken up at least 3 families already. Did I mention that she has a boyfriend? Yes, she does and he works his *** off on the boats, while she sits at home ******** all of his friends and then some. Apparently she doesn’t even know who her baby daddy is. If I were him, I would definitely be getting a paternity test. That’s pretty shameful Haley. Wow. She even smells like something her bf caught off the boat….crotch rot. Disgusting!! Take this ***** back to the ocean where she belongs!!!! What is it with men thinking that you can turn a hoe into a house wife? Wake up fellas, if it looks like a hoe, acts like a hoe, smells like a hoe, chances are, it’s Haley Dempsey….a hoe!!!!

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