Haley Ashworth — Tulsa, Oklahoma

This is Haley Ashworth of Tulsa. Watch your wallet around this lying gold digger. She dates older guys with money so she can get everything she wants and she’ll say and do whatever it takes to keep the money flowwing her way. She did this to a friend of mine that she screwed out of a ton of cash and gifts. For months she acted like she was all into him and telling him she loved him and was comitted to him and all kinds of BS. He gave her all kinds of money and paid vacations and took her shopping all the time. Then she convinces him to give her the money to pay off her student loan and go shopping for a whole new wardrobe. The very next day she dumped him and kept the money and the clothes. she played him from the start and she was never interested in him at all because she doesn’t even like guys. She’s a lesbian and just pretends to be straight so guys will go out with her and give her money. There’s nothing wrong with being lesbian but lying about it to get paid is messed up. Stay away from this liar if your a man or a woman.

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