Hailey Davidson — Windsor, Canada

I don’t know who I feel bad for more … her baby daddy Dylan, or their poor son. Not sure how her son feels when his mom disappears for weeks on end to make money, but is just out partying and doing drugs with guys she meets at her job @ nasty [REDACTED] strip club in sh1tty run down Windsor. Cheat on Dylan all you want to try and build a relationship with guys you met at a strip club lmao… isn’t that a red flag. Don’t all strippers say … I usually don’t do this … I usually don’t get involved with guys who come to the strip Club? Typical. But don’t you have a conscience for abandoning your son and lying to him? Leave him for how many weeks? Don’t know how Dylan believes that trash of a girlfriend and is still with her after catching her cheating .. and still supporting her. And to top it off De she doesn’t like to clean and is lazy. How disgusting..She had to move out of London because no one liked her and she has a bad reputation, go figures. She thinks she has a body of a goddess and flaunts it off. Always judging girls but can never receive criticism. How can you be a tripper with no booty and *****?? How you dissing other girls when even a 10-year-olds has more curves than you. Lmao. How can you be so flat but still have saggy *****? Flaunt you stripper money girl if a couple of bills is what you think is worth all the **** you’ve caused haha.

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