Habitat for Humanity — Tore my fence down and dumped cement slabs on my property

This rogue company literally bulldozed over me and my property. I have lived in my house 6 years before they started building. They claimed my fence that was built before i even bought my house 20 years prior was 6 inches to 2 inches on their property I was never shown anything to substantiate that by the way. They came tore my fence down that contained my 200 mastiff against my wishes and destroyed my trees in the process. Now I have a 1000 pound or more of concrete slabs they tore up and left behind my shed and trees. Not to mention the 4 inches of sludge and cement that was left behind that no one bothered to clean up and my friend went out to shovel it up so that our cars were not marred in it and yes I have photos to prove it all!! I am sick of it. This rude company can pay for a new fence and trees! They can also get the cement off my property. I will be filing a small claim on this company for 6000. The person in charge of this job talked to people that don’t even live in my house to get permission to tear down my fence and trees. His explanation was I thought he was your husband I have no husband legal or common law. He had no right to speak with anyone about my property. This has caused me a lot of stress and anguish dealing with the constant harassment the project Manager heaped on me during a time I was dealing with the death of my brother and my mother. He should be ashamed for what he has done to me and my property.

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