Guillermo Manuel Carrion – Florida

Ladies BEWARE!!! This guy is a master manipulator!.. He lost his job a few months ago, and spent the last 3 1/2 months living in my house, “dating me.” He took advantage of myself, and my parents.

He used me for a free place to stay; financially/physically/verbally/emotionally, was VERBALLY&ALMOST PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE, LIES, CHEATS,STEALS and is the most irresponsible person I’ve ever met. /!!

He spent hours, at my house on Facebook and talking with girls on Snapchat/other social media sites. While I was at work. He refused to help ANY around the house, Even though he wasn’t working. Refused to pay for anything. >>Even causing<< arguments with me (i’m trying to quit smoking) so i would get stressed, and go buy a pack of cigarettes, and he could have some. Kept the phone I was paying for on his person 24/7.

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