Greg Hopkins — Brooklyn, New York City

****** .
****** bi-polar (diagnosed btw) drama queen ho.

From the perspective of the roommate:
Greg was cool in the beginning but then he jerked around my roommate and kept making out with her when he was drunk even though he had told her that he wasn’t interested in having a girlfriend because he needed to “get his **** together” “I’m not in a place to date anyone” BS Long *** story short, he was hooking up with/dating another girl while he was hooking up w/ my roommate. Note: the other girl he was basically stalking and wouldn’t let her have any guy friends or hang out with anyone. Lies, Lies, Lies

***** *** ho.

and he blamed everything on my roomie. and he had the maturity level of a 12 year old (like if you said the wrong thing online, he flipped out and un-friended you on facebook. wow)

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