Greg Creeper — Toledo, Ohio

I don’t know his last name. All I have is his plenty of fish profile, and phone number. He claims to be a “nice guy” and a “catholic”, looking for “the one” to “fall in love”.

In reality, he is a pervert who cannot even lie believably. He told me he couldn’t send a recent picture because his phone was new, and left it at that. De But after I told him to get lost he apparently figured it out and sent me a creepy shirtless picture that doesn’t really look like the same guy on the PoF profile (above)

Not long after I gave him my number he asked me creepy things like “Do you live alone.” He was trying to get me to meet him for s*x, or sneak him in to my parents house at 3am. After I told him to lose my number he text messaged me at 4am, claiming he knew how to find me with GPS and tracking the cell tower my signal was using (someone watches too much CSI). Then he sent me the Freddy Kruger rhyme from the movies, (one, two, he is coming for you) but he couldn’t even spell it right. lol.

De he also acts like a 13 year old boy. After I rejected him he called me a tranny, and told me to keep my d**k in my pants, and harassed me over the pictures that I sent him (when I thought he was a decent guy). All I sent him were some bikini-like body shots, but he was begging me to send him pictures of my “bare p***y.”

Beware of this one, he is not a nice guy. He isn’t very intelligent. He is only looking to hook up (bragging about his p***s, which is most likely a lie too). No man should refer to themselves as “hot” as much as he does. Especially, because he is not hot. Don’t let the picture on the profile fool you, because he doesn’t look like that in real life.

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