Greg Cecchetto — Watervliet, New York

This guy is not only a cheater, but disgusting. Somehow, through being on every dating website known to man, he has managed to have unprotected s*x with 90 women. Considering he was in serious relationships for at least 7 years since 18 this number is nothing short of disgusting. Also, he is mentally abusive in relationships. Narcissistic and completely unreasonable. De this guy will try to make you feel crazy by twisting all of your words, then when you say something, he says YOU are the one always starting fights. He continues to carry on his dating site profiles, even when he claims to have deleted them…. is even known by “the dating site socialite”. Seriously… google it. I’m sure his name will pop-up. If you try to address that, get ready for a fight about how that is yoir fault, not his. Beware ladies. He can make anything sound true the way he twists his words and lies.

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