Green Dot Bank — Cancelled my card

i, Anthony Hardy, on January 25th called Green Dot customer service four times and was hung up on after holding for assistance for 25 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes and then five minutes. After finally getting a hold of a customer servicedispute personnel, i told her that i was looking to make a loan. i had dropped my phone and the vibration of the phone dropping or hitting the floor caused my phone to be charged a $1 to a company that was doing credit checks on your .credit. she then told me my credit card would be cancelled and I would have to wait 7 to 10 business days to receive another credcit card. that does not make sense when I have my credit card, dropped my phone, and I was just disputing a $1. do you treat all customers like this? i asked for a supervisor and the lady hung up on me. i am irate at this point! i am 60 years old and on disability. my disability check went into my Green Dot account and I cannot get to that moneyto buy food or medicines I need. i need someone to call me so that I can talk to a supervisor about my situation and keep the card I have work!ing to get food and medicine. my phone number is (828)319-7397. i need to hear from someone ASAP and thank you!

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