Google — This company is over charging for products

This company is over charging for products. Sailing other stores products. Took change from a 10.00$ from a kid but it was my money. Sell products That has been price gouging there products. First it was the candy; one day the candy was 10 cent the next day the clerk clame the candy was 15 cent so by this day we are arguing about the candy. The next day I go in for the same candy it he declares it cost 20 cent this time I did not buy the candy but I was upset. The next day again I decided I wanted 2 pieces and when I get to the counter it is 30 cent. Also I sent my 13 year old cozen to the store on Oct. 16th with $10.00 for a $2.53 2 liter Coke, 2 for $1.50 Chips, $1.25 Sprite, and 89 cent juice and told her to keep the change. Well when she got back she had nothing for herself and said that she did not have enough. So I took her back to the store and had thim rering the items and it was only $7.78, so I asked him for my chang and told him he was wrong to take money from a kid but that it was my money he took. Once I perches $8.00 and change from my card and when I receive my receipt he had charged me $88.00 and change. Now he gave me the $80.00 in cash but I was upset because I needed the money on my card.

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