Google Phones — Defective Google Pixel 6 Phone

I purchased a new Google Pixel 6 from the online Google Store on 13 July 2022. I received it on 18 July 2022 while visiting America on vacation. (I’m currently stationed overseas.) Within 2 weeks of purchase I noticed my phone was not behaving correctly. When I would activate “speaker phone” the microphone would not pick up any sound. Due to travel, I did not contact Google about the issue until 2 Aug 2022, 15 days, delivery day not counting, after receiving the device despite their own online document saying that you have 15 calendar days after receiving the device. I was initially interested in receiving a new device to replace my defective new device. At first they refused, then agreed, then sent me a refurbished device. When I pointed out that wasn’t what was agreed to, they said they said sending out a replacement new device is not something they do and would have to escalate the issue, despite already agreeing to it. At this point I asked for a refund, being tired of the circus, to which they refused saying it was outside the return window, despite it 1) not being outside the window and 2) the product being defective.

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