Google Pay — Unauthorized Purchases

Many unauthorized purchases made on Google Play. I reached out to Google Play on the phone on September 6th when I realized there were unauthorized purchases amounting to several hundreds of dollars over the course of the last few months. I didn’t authorize the purchases in question. The only explanation that I can come up with is it might have been my 7-year-old autistic son, that accidentally made the purchases. I have not had any issues with unauthorized purchases prior to the ones recently, I thought that all settings had been in place to stop from anyone other than myself to make any purchases, which makes sense seeing as I have not had this issue before but have made authorized purchases in the past. Even after I called Google Play and went back on the devices in my house and double checked the parental controls, more unauthorized purchases were made. I ended up just removing all payment methods from my account on September 17th and finally the purchases have stopped. I still don’t know who really was making any of the purchases. I was told on the phone by Google Play customer service, that I could try reaching out to the developers directly to request refunds. I had to ask my sister in law to help me because each developer wanted all the dates of purchases, order numbers, purchase amounts and method of payments. It took us many hours over the course of a few days to sort it all out and contact all the developers. All together (a few purchases in June and July, most in August and September) $******** was spent without my knowledge. One of my cards on my account was wiped completely clean, literally no more money could be taken off and then charges started on my back up payment method. I am a hard-working single mother to four children, one with a disability. I save money for important events for my children, like back to school shopping that couldn’t happen and two of my children’s upcoming birthdays will now be affected, with Christmas following that. Not only is my savings gone, but because the other card was used, I am behind on my bills this month and the last, putting my family in further financial distress. Please help me and refund me for these purchases. Some developers that I got in contact with have been very sympathetic to my situation and have issued some refunds, however there are many that still haven’t. Most of the developers of the apps that the most money was spent on won’t respond to my requests. I ask you to please consider the circumstances, the fact that I don’t know who made the purchases, I took the necessary steps to prevent it from happening, took many hours and days to do all that I could to recoup the money myself, was the victim of more unauthorized purchases, basically did everything but delete my Google Play account to finally put a stop to the charges and to this date I have only been refunded about $400, which doesn’t even compare to the financial deficit this has caused my family.

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