Google Pay — Blocked my account without any reason

I bought google play gift cards to redeem balance to my account. I purchased them at a local Walmart, and I still have my receipts. As a result, the account was notified that identity verification was required. After the verification. So I went ahead uploaded my passport, credit card info and etc. Then I received a letter titled “Your Google payments will remain suspended” with the content “We have concluded the review of the information you’ve submitted to reinstate your ability to make purchases. To prevent possible fraud and abuse, your ability to make purchases Google products and services will remain suspended. It is our policy to not discuss the specific reasons for these suspensions. ” My account has already redeemed a lot of google gift cards before. Google blocked my account without any reason. Then I was told by the google support only that they couldn’t solve it and explained that “Google holds the authority to close any account at any time”. First of all, is this even legal? Can I call my credit card company to file a fraud? Secondly, this not fair, it seems that they can ban your account under any circumstances, as long as google does not give you access to it, and there is no need for any reason. Last but not least, since I purchased the gift cards already, I am confident to say google took my money already. So I would like to file my complaint for consumer protections for what google has done.

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