Google Nest — Defective Thermostat

Google assured me they would replace my nonfunctioning smart thermostat. It has been 5 weeks and they cannot figure out how to send a link to begin. The product in question is a Google Nest Learning Thermometer, I first contacted Google on September 12, 2020 after having issues with out Google Nest Learning Thermostat via Facebook messenger. I assume due to a mix of the wildfires as well as COVID – their customer service was not taking phone support calls and suggested using Facebook Messenger. After the 2 weeks of the “team” deciding what warranty option I had, finally on September 27, I received an email that the team had decided they would replace my unit. I responded within just a few minutes of receiving the email that I would like the advanced replacement (ie, they would send me a new unit and place a hold on my credit card for the purchase price until they received the defective unit). They responded that I would receive a cart link to process the advanced replacement within 24 hours. As of October 13, I have not received a cart link. Nor at this point would I trust they would remove the hold when they received my defective device, OR would claim they did not receive). They have continued to insist they are “trying” to send me the link – however, I have encounter other that are also having this same issue. The irony is not lost on me that GOOGLE the tech giant cannot send me a link to replace my branded thermostat? I mean come on!

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