Google Gmail — They locked me out of my own account

My gmail password I have written in a book. Never had a problem then our bank account was hacked literally taking all of our funds. I called apple who took immediate response and help to the issue, then I called the bank etc. When trying to reach gmail which is where I believe some of it may have occurred they locked me out of my own account. I’m a realtor and they kept trying to sell a pay for email spamming me daily with over 20-30 emails in a day and stating that if I paid that would not happen. So, now I am in the middle of selling homes for several clients and I cannot converse with them. I kept trying to complete the forget password and google kept stating not enough information until they pushed my account into recovery mode. I have screenshots and never did they send me a code so who got the code? I also was able to get into another one of my emails and then sent them the code as a reply and again nothing. I offered FaceTime since my photo is also on my gmail account and all over the internet and again still locked out going on almost five days with a hacked bank account and other accounts damaged in the amount of 2500.00. What is going on then you cannot find a phone to contact them and when you do they say go to the web where the problem started. Irresponsible for the person running the security. You have to speak to someone when they keep sending you in a loop. I also offered the email Gmail (other I have or yahoo) they sent one code then where you enter the code vanished and they put me back through the loop again. This went on for now three days with the codes not coming or the place to put the code disappearing.

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