Google Ads — Will never run another ad with google again

This is the absolute worst experience I’ve ever had with google. I placed an ad with waze, thinking it was a great opportunity to build my clientele. Things started out great until I linked my waze ads account to my Facebook account. After I linked both accounts together I was locked out from my waze ads account. I tried several times to request a new password *** email the waze ads website, however I never received a password ***** email, despite what the online password ******* form said (in minutes I will receive a password ***** link. I tried to call waze however the number is not set up to take calls. I tried to email waze for immediate help, however they took forever to respond and when they did respond all I received was an email informing me how to reset my password *** waze ads website. Which I have done with no success. Several times. I tried to contact someone from google ads and was hung up on twice by two different representatives from Asia. When I asked to speak to a supervisor I was denied by the second google representative before being hung up on and spoken over. I’m frustrated and in tears ð??­. This has been a nightmare. Will never run another ad with google again.

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