Google Ads — This is unethical

We advertised with Google and set a spending limit of $250/month, but Google ended up using approximately $250/day as the Budget. This is unethical. This complaint is in reference to Account #. We are a very small daycare business and we were heavily impacted by COVID 19. Once we were allowed to open our doors by the State of NJ, we opted to advertise on google. We started the advertisement on August 2 and set a limit of $250/month, but Google ended up setting a limit of $250/day instead. We have never in the past 4 years of being in business ever set such high limits on advertising. We cannot afford to market at such high scale. Our advertisement budgets are nowhere near such figures. After a couple days on August 9, we realized that Google had put such high limits on our account and we immediately shut down the advertisement. They sent us a for 8 days. This is unethical on their part to do this to a very small business like ours. We have been so heavily impacted by COVID 19 and on top of that this large bill being imposed on us is truly back breaking for our business.

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