— I am tired of talking to them

I Started dealing with Go daddy in August, 2019. Their was an option that we can use different builder for our website design. So I used help of my cousin in India, she is a website designer. After website is launched I purchased SSL certificate from GoDaddy. Sorry for my words it was pain in to launch SSL certificate. GoDaddy did not help me and my cousin. After 2 months of pain I found a good person at customer service of GoDaddy who helped me in launching certificate. Our website worked good for 3 months then one day it showed,” Not Safe” sigh. I called my builder, She told me GoDaddy has removed, “http” that is SSL certificate has been removed. So I called GoDaddy customer service. They said, Your website has never been built. I asked them, How it can happen? It was working good till now. They said, “no you had never built it and some body has deleted your website. Please Sir, Can You explain me, GoDaddy is providing us SSL certificate and no body can mess with it only they can. If somebody try to go through certificate they will come to know. And why are we paying them money for Website security. The customer is very bad. After dealing with them for 6 months I realized they are not that good as they advertise their business. I need you guys to take some action. They had told us to start from scratch and make a new website. My website is still not safe. I will appreciate if you handle this situation because, I am tired of talking to them.

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