Giselle Dejesus — New York

She acts like she’s this amazing person and turns out to be a total disaster. She is a man beater when she doesn’t get her way and if you have money she will try to get pregnant. She doesn’t know her place and cry’s suicide when she realizes it was just a booty call. Men never blame themselves but some who Giselle always falls in love with a married man. Money is everything to her she’s greedy. Has a child who isn’t even taken care of by her because mommy needs to have fun smh. It’s time she gets exposed. She works on [REDACTED] in the Bronx. Do not trust her and she uses education as a way for you to think she has brains. She is an idiot who is in love with every man who has money and I’m over it. De she needs to stop. And stop saying you’ll kill yourself if he doesn’t want you. Get your own man Giselle. And take care of your baby stop using her child support money on yourself.?

2 thoughts on “Giselle Dejesus — New York

  1. Good afternoon,

    My name is giselle de Jesús and I reaching out to request this profile to be taken down. This post was made with false allegations about me. I am looking to sue the person who created it. As I know who is cyber stocking me and creating false profile and stories about me

    1. U G L Y you ain’t got no Alibi you ugly. You a stupid hoe and you know it. We all know it. So no te haga pendeja.

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