Gina Plyant Walker — Louisiana

This ‘lady” did her best to break up my best friends marriage. 16 years ago, she dated my best friends husband. After they split he heard she was pregnant and tried to make contact to see if he was the father. She sent her current lover, a married detective that was paying her, to tell her ex to stay away the child isn’t his. Fast forward 16 years, she now need money so she reaches out to ex and now clais the child is his and she needs money. She refused to allow his wife, my best friend, of 12 years to see the child. She used the child, drugs and *** to have a very short affair, until he sobered up and realized that he was risking a good woman for a local drug *****. When he wouldn’t leave his wife she refused him contact with the child. He now pays almost $700 a month in child support, and was told by case worker that she demanded back support for the previous years. Of course that’s not how the system works so at least she didn’t get that. Since then she has been working her way through Ruston, Louisiana on her back sleeping with anything that will help pay her bills. And brags about her new money making skill to her son and his friends, even propositioning her sons half brother, who was 17 at the time, offering him drugs for ***. When he turned her down she refused to let him see his brother for a short while. This one will sleep with your husband and then go sit in church the next day. She regularly attends New Hope Baptist, shockingly for her type of woman and how she got her new job at Glen View elementary lunchroom, I can only imagine which skill she used. This one is truly twisted

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