Gina Pagliarulo — Chelsea, Massechusetts

Gina Pagliarulo seems to be having a relationship with every guy in the area to support her drug habit. My husband told me who she was and I did some investigating. She is a sugar baby to many guys and flaunts her money. Brags she gets 2 to 3 grand a week. Her mother seems to support her so they can both feed their own habit. Her own brother told me she is constantly picked up by guys and dropped back off 15 minutes later. So she is not only homewrecking, but she is a hooker. My husband will most likely go back to her now that I moved out and filed for divorce, but if he can’t pay to play, she will have no use for him. Women watch your men, men watch your junk. She spends most her time in Waltham with her main sugar daddy when she gets caught with other men here.

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