GiGi Nickosia – Chicago, Illinois

Awwwww man my boy T intruduced me to this girl a few weeks ago when she was around with some friends. I almost pulled my **** hair out because she wouldn’t stop talking. Her hair extensions were awful (reninded me of the ghetto) What caught me off guard is that with the lighting, all the time she spent doing her make up didn’t do any justice. According to my boy she knows and is close with, she has since posted something to be some sort of witch rituals. She is constantly out fukin around on her husband. If you are married happily, don’t continue being a bust down. If you are having trouble and want a divorce like u told several “friends” of yours then do it. I have heard so many stories about this girl and I didn’t believe them until I witnessed some of them myself. It is really disappointing to know she has a child. She is absolutely ridiculous with all the pettiness, the fake personality and who is she fooling? She is someone who lives off photoshopping and editing her own photos. Definitely ratchet!!!!! I hang out with a couple of the same people on a daily basis and if she comes around there is always a negative vibe. Word around the street is she applied to be a model or in **** videos of some type online. Maybe the live cam feeds!! My boy asked her about posing nude. Her response was “so many people have seen me already and no one will recognize me with the make up and hair”. If my wife or daughter or let alone even just a friend ever wanted to be a part of that, I would put a stop to it immediately. Heard her mom and sister cover up all her cheating ways. Have u told ur husband about your mom coming by and walking in on u while u were sucking *****’s ****? .. Oh did I stutter or star out the name?. Unless your husband knows, I don’t want to be the one to tell him the name..but come on niw.a child, a husband constantly working, u bring another guy in the condo (who wasnt her husband) and now since she wants to get rid of the guilty cheating she has these spells she is practicing or some stupid ****. My friend sent a snapchat of her grinding some type of sand or rocks for a spell. (wait what? U mean for once she wasnt griding on a guy?) First spell should be to work on those manly broad shoulders. Next step would be to grow up, be faithful for once. Stop taking your dudes money to please other dudes. Ratchet *****… are so conceited, you’re not even one of those pretty, spoiled, self centered people that someone wants to be friends with. You my (not so) friend are ugly, chunky, conniving, manipulative, and without a doubt a cheating *****. Ur stupidity and rudeness along with many other things makes me want to punch your mother for not swallowing and ur father for allowing you to be such a bust down. Have a little respect for yourself and your body. No one wants to see that and if anyone does it should be your poor old husband. So blind to everything. I for sure will see you around soon. I see you more than you think. Am I a friend of a friend? A friend of yours? A friend of your husbands? A neighbor? A friend of a family member? Doesn’t matter. All that matters if that you are called out on your bullsh1t. Btw tell your sister Bree and Timmy I said whats up duuuuuudes!?!?

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