Giant Food Stores — Filthy Bathroom

I used the Bathroom in the North Wales store this afternoon. It was absolutely disgusting floor covered with trash toilet seat and toilet filthy. I spoke with the store manager he listened and didn’t seem to care says he never uses that bathroom. Said it’s cleaned in the morning and the bathroom looked it. When I was working we had a checkoff sheet, floor toilet paper towels etc If it’s only cleaned in the AM that is not enough and someone has to be held accountable. Thank You. And I hope this problem will be taken care of. Joe Fisher 215-605-5115 A hourly checkoff sheet that states every thing looks ok or if not eg paper products on floor not acceptable that person would check off and sign. What’s good and if bad takes care of the problem floor soap etc. one time a day is not enough. And a supervisor has to check after the people who do the cleaning and signed the paperwork.

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