Gianluca — Disagreement

I met Olga too in 2009 and I can tell nothing bad about this girl. I was really surprised about all these stories. She did not act with me like this. She never asked me for money, she never asked me to buy cloths, she never asked me for paying for passport or visa. She was very kind to me and showed around her city. I even proposed to her to visit me but she told me she is not ready for such step. She was honest with me and told me I was not her kind of men and I appreciated it even if it wasn’t pleasant to hear for me. If compare her with other girls I met I could see her like a serious, sincere, honest girl. She did not kiss me either but we have to appreciate it if you is looking for dignity and serious wife. I would prefer that my wife has the same dignity, pride, smart, beauty like Olga has. I heard in the plane how much foreign men go to visit Ukrainian/Russian girls only for enjoying and have a *** with them. That is why I can understand Olga”s behavior. She is the girl who deserves to be happy and I am glad for her she found her lover as I could see she was looking for truth and fair feeling not for money. If compare her with other girls I met I could see her like a serious, decent, sincere, honest girl. And after our meeting with Olga I have believed that there are honestly and dignity girls like she is and that is why I decided to continue for searching my future wife from Ukraine. My friend got married with Ukrainian girl and they are happy for 5years and have 2child. We have to believe guys in our happiness.

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